Wednesday, October 27, 2021

31 Days of Halloween: Day 27 - Us


When you're not sure if you want to be scared or if you want to laugh.

Release Date: March 22, 2019

Starring: Lupita Nyong'o, Winston Duke

Genre: Horror. Deeply unsettling horror.

Plot Summary: Years after a traumatizing experience at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, Adelaide returns there on a trip with her husband and children. One night, the family notices a group of people outside the house they're staying in...And they look exactly like them.

Favorite Scene: Red's ballet scene, when "Pas De Deux" is playing.

Favorite Quote: "Once upon a time, there was a girl. And the girl had a shadow. The two were connected, tethered together. When the girl ate, her food was given to her warm and tasty. But when the shadow was hungry, she had to eat rabbit, raw and bloody. On Christmas, the girl received wonderful toys, soft and cushy. But the shadow's toys were so sharp and cold, they sliced through her fingers when she tried to play with them. The girl met a handsome prince and fell in love. But the shadow, at that same time, met Abraham. It didn't matter if she loved him or not. He was tethered to the girl's prince, after all. Then the girl had her first child, a beautiful baby girl. But the shadow, she gave birth to a little monster. Umbrae was born laughing. The girl had a second child, a boy this time. They had to cut her open and take him from her belly. The shadow had to do it all herself. She named him Pluto, he was born to love fire. So you see, the shadow hated the girl so much for so long. Until one day, the shadow realized she was being tested by God."

Notable Trivia: There actually is a tunnel system under the boardwalk.

Final Thoughts: I saw this movie in a Times Square theater when it first came out (I posted about it here) and I remember a LOT of people laughing and I just kept thinking...You would not be laughing if this were happening to you right now. Yes, parts of the movie are genuinely funny. But other parts are downright scary. On the train ride home that night, I bought the soundtrack on iTunes and listened to "Pas De Deux" on repeat for an hour until I got to my station.

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