Friday, October 29, 2021

31 Days of Halloween: Day 29 - Arsenic and Old Lace


Good, old fashioned Halloween fun.

Release Date: September 23, 1944

Starring: Cary Grant, Priscilla Lane, Peter Lorre

Genre: Dark Comedy

Plot Summary: Newlyweds Mortimer Brewster and Elaine Harper return home to inform their families that they've been married. Upon their arrival, Mortimer learns that his aunts have been poisoning lonely men and burying their bodies in the basement. In addition to his aunts' hobby, he has to contend with Teddy, his brother who believes he's Teddy Roosevelt, and his other brother, Jonathan, a murderer who resembles Boris Karloff due to a plastic surgery performed while his doctor was drunk.

Favorite Scene: Mortimer listens in while his aunts debate whether or not they've buried 11 or 12 bodies so far.

Favorite Quote: "Here's $10. Go out and haunt yourself a hotel."

Notable Trivia: Boris Karloff played Jonathan Brewster on Broadway.

Final Thoughts: Cary Grant may have thought his performance in Arsenic and Old Lace was over the top, but I think his reaction to Mortimer's aunts poisoning people was completely justified. This is a classic film that you can enjoy with your entire family.

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