Wednesday, October 6, 2021

31 Days of Halloween: Day 6 - The Tingler


Because what is Halloween without Vincent Price?

Release Date: July 29, 1959

Starring: Vincent Price

Genre: Creature horror

Plot Summary: A doctor discovers that when a person is extremely frightened, a creature, the Tingler, attaches itself to their spine. If the person doesn't scream, the Tingler will kill them.

Favorite Scene: The Tingler is inside the movie theater.

Favorite Quote: "There's a word for you.
"There are several for you."

Notable Trivia: William Castle put a vibrating "device" in the theater chairs which would turn on during a specific point in the movie. He was well known for gimmicks like this.

Final Thoughts: I saw this movie when I was younger and it genuinely scared me for a really long time. The idea of being so scared that you'll actually die from it was terrifying. A lot of people think this movie is campy, and it is, but I'll be honest, you could have put Vincent Price in any role, with any kind of plot, and he would have made it believable.

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