Thursday, October 14, 2021

31 Days of Halloween: Day 14 - Stay Alive


If you love video games, but you're tired of bad video game movie adaptations.

Release Date: March 24, 2006

Starring: Sophia Bush, Adam Goldberg, Milo Ventimiglia, Jon Foster, Samaire Armstrong, Frankie Muniz, Jimmi Simpson

Genre: Supernatural horror

Plot Summary: After the death of his friend, Loomis, Hutch receives the video game he was playing the night he died. A group of his friends come over to play the game, Stay Alive, and discover that before it will start, they have to recite an oath, which turns out to be a curse. If they die in the game, they'll die in real life. To survive, they need to find the body of Elizabeth Bathory and destroy it.

Favorite Scene: When the group of friends first start the game up and we get to see them play it. (The game is the most interesting part of the movie.)

Favorite Quote: "Bitch, that's cheating! I'm not dead yet!"

Notable Trivia: Steve Zahn was originally cast as Miller. (I love Steve Zahn, but I can't imagine anyone but Adam Goldberg playing that part.)

Final Thoughts: I love the edited version of Stay Alive. The uncut version is absolutely atrocious though. If I had seen that first, I would have hated the movie. Is this a great film? No. Is it a fun movie about a video game that would be awesome to play (assuming it didn't curse you)? Absolutely. It's also the reason I got into the Fatal Frame and Silent Hill series, they were both mentioned in Stay Alive. (Also, the only reason I knew who Elizabeth Bathory was is because I used to own a board game called Nightmare.)

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