Friday, October 1, 2021

31 Days of Halloween: Day 1 - Something Wicked This Way Comes


To get you in the spirit of Halloween.

WARNING: If you're as afraid of spiders as I am, there are a couple scenes in this movie that you will absolutely hate. One goes on for quite a while, so be aware of that.

Release Date: April 29, 1983

Starring: Jason Robards and Jonathan Pryce

Genre: Fantasy

Plot Summary: Something Wicked This Way Comes is the story of Will Halloway and Jim Nightshade, childhood best friends. One night, a carnival arrives in town, but it's not just any carnival. The townsfolk almost seem possessed after experiencing some of the attractions it offers. When Will and Jim sneak a look at the carousel, they're confronted by Mr. Dark, the man responsible for the carnival. And with a name like that, you know he's up to no good. The boys decide to hide out until the carnival closes so they can check the carousel out again. What they see is beyond belief. The carousel spins backwards and Mr. Dark's assistant appears to get younger. This is only the beginning of the oddities the carnival presents and Will, his father, and Jim will have to fight for their lives before they succumb to Mr. Dark.

Favorite Scene: The parade, led by Mr. Dark, making its way through town.

Favorite Quote: "Who'd believe us?"
"I believe you."
"You do? But we're not grownups."
"That's why I believe you."

Notable Trivia: Something Wicked This Way Comes was originally written as a screenplay, before being rewritten as a novel, and Ray Bradbury wanted Gene Kelly to direct it.

Final Thoughts: The cinematography in this movie is stellar. The scenery is stunning, with shots of beautiful trees with leaves of all different fall colors. I always say this, but Ray Bradbury knew more about the spirit of fall and Halloween than anyone and I can think of no better way to start the month off than with Something Wicked This Way Comes.

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