Tuesday, October 19, 2021

31 Days of Halloween: Day 19 - Kairo


When you're feeling lonely because you spend all your time online.

Release Date: February 3, 2001

Starring: Haruhiko Kato, Kumiko Aso, Koyuki, Kurume Arisaka

Genre: Supernatural/J-horror

Plot Summary: I really can't do the plot justice, my understanding of it isn't great. Ghosts are invading our world through the internet, but I never really understood how. I know it doesn't sound like much, but this is a fantastic film. I'm not sure what the intentions were behind it, but 2001 was around the time when the internet became really popular and I always felt like maybe it was a metaphor about people withdrawing and spending a lot of time online (and I say this as an introvert who did exactly that).

Favorite Scene: Yobe enters the door sealed with red tape.

Favorite Quote: "Would you like to meet a ghost?" Okay, so it's not exactly a quote, but I'm counting it anyway.

Notable Trivia: Not at all notable, but there's an American remake of this film and I highly suggest skipping it because it doesn't capture the tone of the original at all.

Final Thoughts: I have a post about Kairo (and Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum) here, if you want to read a little more about my thoughts on the film. I'll be honest, I've seen this movie so many times and I still think I just barely understand it. The real reason I love it so much is because it does such a great job of getting the feelings of loneliness and despair across. It really left an impression on me the first time I saw it.

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