Sunday, October 24, 2021

31 Days of Halloween: Day 24 - The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari


When you want to see a beautiful example of German Expressionism in cinema.

Release Date: February 26, 1920

Starring: Conrad Veidt, Werner Krauss

Genre: German Expressionism

Plot Summary: At the town fair, Dr. Caligari holds an exhibit for Cesare, the somnambulist, who will answer any question asked of him. At the same time, a series of murders are being investigated. Could they be connected to Caligari and Cesare?

Favorite Scene: All of them. Seriously. I love the sets in this film, they're a work of art.

Favorite Quote: "Ladies and gentlemen, Cesare the somnambulist will answer all your questions. Cesare knows every secret. Cesare knows the past and sees the future."

Notable Trivia: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is considered to be the first movie with a twist ending.

Final Thoughts: I really enjoy German Expressionism in film and I think The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is one of the best examples of it. The sets are so bent and bizarre, it gives the entire movie a very surreal feeling.

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