Monday, October 18, 2021

31 Days of Halloween: Day 18 - Suspiria


When you want to listen to a really unsettling soundtrack.

Release Date: February 1, 1977

Starring: Jessica Harper

Genre: Supernatural horror

Plot Summary: Suzy Bannion goes abroad to Germany to study at a prestigious dance academy. When she arrives, there's a series of gruesome murders and Suzy takes it upon herself to investigate the school and its staff.

Favorite Scene: The opening of the film. It's suspenseful and extremely creepy.

Favorite Quote: One that will spoil the entire movie, so I'm not including it.

Notable Trivia: Sound was rarely recorded while filming, instead being dubbed afterwards.

Final Thoughts: For me, the main thing that makes Suspiria scary is Goblin's soundtrack. The movie itself is interesting, until you find out what's actually going on at the school. I was disappointed in that revelation and it took Suspiria from being a great movie to an okay movie. Still, I recommend watching it at least once for the soundtrack and the film's brilliant use of color.

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