Saturday, October 2, 2021

31 Days of Halloween: Day 2 - Cabin in the Woods


When you want every horror film in one.

Release Date: April 13, 2012

Starring: Fran Kranz, Kristen Connolly, Jesse Williams, Anna Hutchison, Chris Hemsworth, Bradley Whitford, Amy Acker, Richard Jenkins

Genre: Forget genre, this is a love letter to all horror films.

Plot Summary: A group of friends decide to spend the weekend at a cabin in the woods. Unbeknownst to them, in a secret underground lab, a group of engineers is manipulating their actions as part of a ritual to prevent the Ancient Ones from rising.

Favorite Scene: When Hadley finally gets his wish.

Favorite Quote: "I'm sorry I let you get attacked by a werewolf and then ended the world."

Notable Trivia: The beauty of this movie is that a lot of the creatures were created using practical FX (including the werewolf).

Final Thoughts: When I first watched this movie, I expected to hate it. I knew nothing about it and I thought, based on the name, that it was going to be another slasher film. The fact that it went so off the rails made me love it. It was so unexpected and fun and it was everything I never knew I needed. It's a smart film that pays homage to so many different horror sub genres. This is not a spoof, like Scary Movie. It's not satire. It's a genuine love for horror and it shows.

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