Sunday, October 31, 2021

31 Days of Halloween: Day 31 - The Midnight Hour

When you want to watch the most magical Halloween movie ever made.

Release Date: November 1, 1985

Starring: Lee Montgomery, Shari Belafonte, LeVar Burton, Peter DeLuise, Jonna Lee, Dedee Pfeiffer, Dick Van Patten

Genre: Horror comedy

Plot Summary: On Halloween, a group of friends break into a museum to "borrow" costumes from some of the wax figures. Inside, they find a trunk containing a scroll, and they proceed to recite the curse written on it. The dead return and begin murdering people in the town and the only way to reverse the spell is to seal the scroll with the dust from the bones of a long-dead witch hunter before midnight.

Favorite Scene: The opening of the movie, because it feels so nostalgic and it's so perfectly reminiscent of fall.

Favorite Quote: "This night and forever, he who is touched by evil, shall become evil. He who has died, shall rise again. Life to the dead. Death to the living."

Notable Trivia: This was a made for TV movie that aired on ABC. And maybe notable trivia, but I'm 99% positive the town square in this movie is the same one from Back to the Future and The Monster Squad. I don't know for sure though.

Final Thoughts: I wrote an entire post about this movie last month. It's the greatest Halloween film of all time. It's nostalgic, fun, scary (but not too scary) and it perfectly captures the feeling of Halloween. This is the one movie that, no matter what, I will always make sure to watch on Halloween night.

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