Tuesday, October 26, 2021

31 Days of Halloween: Day 26 - Teen Witch


When you just want something cute for a change.

Release Date: April 23, 1989

Starring: Robyn Lively, Zelda Rubinstein, Dan Gauthier, Dick Sargent

Genre: Romance/fantasy

Plot Summary: On her 16th birthday, Louise receives magical powers that she uses to make herself the most popular girl in school, as well as making her crush fall for her. But it turns out popularity isn't everything she thought it would be.

Favorite Scene: "Popular Girl" because I wanted Louise's hair and wardrobe. I wanted to be her (I still do). I wanted to be every redhead, honestly.

Favorite Quote: "My life is a walking, talking tragedy."

Notable Trivia: There's a musical version of Teen Witch!

Final Thoughts: This movie is so good. The best. It has great music and great outfits that I would still, to this day, sell my soul for. I wanted to be Robyn Lively in this movie. You can definitely watch this with your kids, although there are some questionable moments. Like Louise and Brad going into that abandoned house...I don't think they slept together, but some clothes came off and the whole scene was weird and awkward and I used to make fun of it with my cousin all the time.

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