Monday, November 8, 2021

Favorite Horror Games by Console - Gamecube: Eternal Darkness


Eternal Darkness...My once favorite horror game of all time. The only video game to ever give me nightmares. This game spans centuries, with the Tome of Eternal Darkness detailing accounts of the many people who have encountered it throughout that time, beginning with Pious Augustus. Unknown to him at the time, Pious sets off a chain of events that leads to one of three Ancients being set free (by the end of the game). Many good people die trying to prevent this from happening and you're tasked with summoning another Ancient to try to stop the one Pious has aligned himself with.

Here's the thing with Eternal Darkness. There are two chapters where you have to do something extremely repetitive and tedious. You'll be going through the same areas on multiple occasions, at different times throughout history, so it never really feels boring except for in this one instance (spoiler, it's when you play as Edward and then Alex at the end of the game). If not for that, I think Eternal Darkness would probably still be one of my favorite games because I like how Lovecraftian it is. Having to go through that area twice really ruins it for me now though. But it's still worth playing! This game has a really fun sanity system in place. The more sanity you lose, the more strange things begin to happen, both to your character and you. Your character may sink into the floor or see blood dripping from the walls, while you'll experience your controller dying, the TV muting itself and a blue screen of death. Eternal Darkness is really unique in that way and it makes it fun to play to see how many of the different effects you can get.

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