Monday, November 15, 2021

Favorite Horror Games by Console - Game Boy Color: Resident Evil Gaiden


Listen, I'm going to be honest. Resident Evil Gaiden is only here because I've never played another horror game for the Game Boy Color. I don't even know if another horror game exists for it. What I do know is that this game is absolutely ridiculous and I suck at it. But I have been fascinated by it since way back in the day when I used to read plot summaries on GameFAQs (specifically these two) 100 years ago. I remember one of them saying after the events in Gaiden, Leon was "replaced" and I really wanted to believe it. I wanted it to be canon after playing RE4 and having to listen to Leon's one-liners. In my mind, it is canon. I don't care what anyone says, I've accepted it as fact. (Same goes for Agents of SHIELD.)

Gaiden takes place on a cruise ship where, surprise, there's a viral outbreak. What else is new? This BOW can shapeshift and (SPOILERS) at the end of the game, it's revealed that Leon isn't actually Leon, he's the shapeshifting BOW, hence why I like to pretend this game is canon. The gameplay is...I don't even know. Atrocious? I mean, someone might like it, but I didn't. When you're in combat, there's a bar that moves across the screen and you have to attack at the right time to damage the enemies. I'll give Gaiden points for trying something new. It's a handheld game, I think they did the best they could at the time. I also give them credit for trying to get rid of Leon. And I genuinely enjoy the soundtrack, I set the menu theme as my ringtone for a while. So it's not all bad.

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