Thursday, November 18, 2021

Favorite Horror Games by Console - PS1: Silent Hill


Let's start off with something I probably shouldn't admit, but I'm going to anyway. I have no idea what the hell happens in this game. I understand that Harry is looking for his daughter in Silent Hill and that there's a cult. But the entire cult storyline confused me when I played it, so for me, this game is one of the weakest in terms of story. That being said, in my opinion, there are no bad Silent Hill games (I didn't play Book of Memories and as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't exist). Gameplay wise, this is a standard survival horror game. Explore, gather key items, solve puzzles, kill monsters. It's everything I loved about horror games when I first started playing them. It's a classic. And it led to so many other incredible games in this series. So for that, it deserves its place on my list.

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