Thursday, November 11, 2021

Favorite Horror Games by Console - Switch: Yomawari: The Long Night Collection


This is technically two games. In the first, Night Alone, you get your dog killed and your sister goes to look for him, thinking he ran away. Then you have to go look for her because you didn't tell her you threw a rock and your dog chased it into the street and got run over. The graphics in this game look cute, but it's actually really creepy. You're chased by weird spirits and your character's heartbeat will speed up as you get closer to them. Some ghosts can only be seen in the light. You have to carefully navigate each area because if they catch you, it's a game over.

Midnight Shadows begins with you throwing a rock AGAIN and your dog getting stranded on a cliff after the board covering the gap falls. Why does this series hate dogs??

These aren't long games and there's not a ton of story to them, but I don't always need a game like Silent Hill, you know? Sometimes a simple game is what my mood calls for and honestly, the shorter it is the better because the older I get, the more stressed out I am when I play horror games. It takes me 5 minutes to psych myself up every time I have to open a door. That's not to say Yomawari isn't scary. These games definitely are and on top of that, they're extremely unsettling because the spirits are so bizarre. If you want to play something creepy and atmospheric, this is it.

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