Monday, November 1, 2021

Favorite Horror Games by Console

 This month, I've decided to focus on video games, since last month was all about movies. Each post will be about my favorite horror game on each console I've owned. If I don't include a specific console (like the Gameboy/Gameboy Advance/anything related to Xbox), it's because I either 1. Never played a horror game on that console or 2. I never owned that console. These posts are also going to be shorter/less informative than the posts I wrote for my 31 Days of Halloween posts last month because I've been posting a lot and I'm tired and it's time consuming. I'm writing these posts in advance in October and this month (last month by the time this goes up), Alan Wake Remastered, Corpse Party, House of Ashes and Fatal Frame 5 are all being released, so I'm trying to make sure I leave myself enough time to play all of those games.

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