Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Favorite Horror Games by Console - Wii U: Fatal Frame 5


I bought a Wii U specifically so I could play Fatal Frame 5. It was worth it. All of the Fatal Frame games involve a ritual gone wrong, resulting in the deaths of many people, leaving hostile ghosts haunting each location. I'll be honest, the first two games are the only ones that have stories I clearly remember, even though I spent a significant amount of time playing the other three games, too. It's like I said though, they all have the same basic premise. I don't mind that, learning about each ritual is always interesting. It just means that I tend to mix them up. So, story aside, the biggest draw to this entry in the Fatal Frame series is the use of the gamepad as the Camera Obscura. I'm not really into gimmicky things, but this was brilliant. As happy as I am that Nintendo doesn't have exclusive rights to the series anymore, I have to admit that everything they did with these games was impressive and innovative. From the motion controls in Fatal Frame 4, the use of the Wii U's gamepad in Fatal Frame 5 and the use of AR in the 3DS' Spirit Camera, it's made me view the series in a completely different way. There are so many things that can be done with this series and I'm really hoping that if there's a Fatal Frame 6, it will be released in VR.

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