Thursday, November 25, 2021

Favorite Horror Games by Console - PS5: Resident Evil Village


I had kind of given up on Resident Evil prior to RE7. I wasn't a fan of RE4/5/6 and the direction the series was going in. Resident Evil 7 was a step in the right direction, but it still felt kind of bland. The enemies weren't very interesting and neither were the locations. But Resident Evil Village? The entire game felt like a dark fairytale. Vampire-like enemies and werewolves? A creepy doll house? Something that looks like it swam out of Innsmouth? This was new and interesting. Each location felt very distinct, so the game never seemed repetitive. Honestly, I hate stalker-enemies so the castle is always awful for me to play through (and it feels the longest because I have to psych myself up to keep going), but it's nowhere near as bad as RE7 was with that. I really hope the series continues in this direction. It still felt a little too action-oriented at times, but it's infinitely better than previous games and I love it.

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