Monday, November 29, 2021

Favorite Horror Games by Console - PSP: Corpse Party


Before their friend moves away, a group of kids decide to perform a ritual to ensure that they'll always remain friends. Unfortunately, they screw it up and end up being transported to a haunted school filled with vengeful spirits. Corpse Party is terrifying. The music. The Victim's Memoirs. I think the graphics make it 100 times creepier. You never know which decisions you make will get you killed (because there are a lot of ways to die in this game). And then there's the whole "Run, rabbit, run!" thing which ONE HUNDRED PERCENT caught me by surprise because I was so worried about the other thing instead. Without a doubt, Corpse Party is one of the best horror games I've ever played. There's a lot of reading, but it's not strictly a visual novel. There's still exploration and figuring out where to use key items. This is a game I would highly recommend playing if you're in the mood to be scared.

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