Sunday, August 1, 2021

Top 10 Horror Games: #10 Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem


Eternal Darkness actually used to be my favorite horror game and I would even say it was one of my top 5 favorite games of all time. Every now and then I'll list my favorite video games on Twitter and someone will ask why this is no longer one of them. The truth is, and I'm really not being mean or petty when I say this, I was dating a guy and I had to watch him play through the game and he was awful at it. One of the boss fights lasted over two hours (not because he died, because he ran in circles the entire time and refused to take my advice). And the last chapter where you play as Alex and basically repeat everything you did as Edward is tedious to begin with. Watching him try to get through it only made it worse. As a result of that, I have no desire to ever play Eternal Darkness again.

However. It really is such a special, unique game. You play as multiple different characters, spanning centuries, and your goal is to prevent the ancients from invading our world. It's an extremely Lovecraftian game, so if you enjoy his stories, you'll love it. The most notable feature Eternal Darkness has are sanity effects. As you play and encounter monsters, your sanity meter drains. When this happens, multiple different things can occur to your character, and even you as the player. Your character will see blood dripping from the walls and walk upside down on the ceiling. You'll see the volume on your TV go down and your save data delete itself (that's horrifying enough the first time you experience it). Gameplay isn't anything too exciting and it's a bit clunky, but it has a good story and the sanity effects make the game interesting.

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