Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Top 10 Horror Games: #7 Kuon


Kuon is a survival horror game that was released for the PS2, developed by FromSoftware (yes, the same company that created the Souls series). I bought a copy back in the day for $18. Now, it will cost anywhere from $400 to $600 for a complete copy. I feel extremely fortunate to have picked up most available horror games back then, even the ones no one was talking about yet.

You play as multiple characters across three playthroughs, each with different abilities. While exploring the haunted manor, you'll encounter enemies that you can fight off with your character's weapons or by using spell scrolls. Running puts you at risk of being detected by monsters, so it's better to take your time looking around.

This is another game I had to stop playing for a while. The first time I turned it on, I thought I saw the tail of something that was watching me from the rooftops. It scared me so much, I turned the game off for years. When I finally went back to it, I was able to complete it only because I followed a guide. Something about Kuon was so unsettling that I couldn't play it without knowing what was about to happen.

Kuon is a lesser known horror game that definitely deserves more attention and though it's a longshot, I hope FromSoftware will revisit it one day so more people will have the opportunity to play it.

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