Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Robbie the Rabbit - Fangamer


Full disclosure: I have no notes for this post, so I'm just kind of winging it. 

Earlier this year, Fangamer released a Robbie the Rabbit plush that I really considered buying, but I hesitated and then it sold out and I kind of hated myself. Luckily, they've restocked and I was able to purchase him this time around. Robbie is selling for $29. I think that's a fair price. He's 10 inches tall, can sit up on his own, he's extremely soft and...

He comes with two washable Crayola markers in red and orange so you can make him look a little more like he does in Silent Hill 3. I can't say how well it works, I'm actually terrified of trying to draw blood around his mouth in case the markers aren't completely washable and I screw it up. I'm not the least bit artistic. And to be honest, I kind of like the way Robbie looks without the blood. He's almost creepier because he looks cute and innocent, but you know better. Robbie comes packaged in a plastic bag and I'm a little disappointed, it would have been nice if he came in a box (for display purposes). That's a very minor complaint though, I really love him overall.

I love his Lakeside Amusement Park tag, it makes him feel like a real souvenir. Plus, it matches the poster I have hanging on my wall.

(I bought this poster from Redbubble years ago and I tried to find it so I could link it, but no luck.)

I don't know if I've talked about this before, but I have no space in my bedroom. For anything. I have three bookcases in here, a huge bureau, my desk, a mini cat tower, and every inch of the walls are covered in shelves or framed horror posters. So Robbie is a bit cluttered at the moment.

I don't know if I want to keep him there because it's directly across from my bed and he kind of creeps me out. I woke up after the first night he was here and I checked to make sure he was still where I put him because I just don't trust him at all. I haven't forgotten what he did in Silent Hill 4.

I really, really love him. He's perfect. Fangamer did a great job with him. And I really do appreciate that tag. I like to buy things that reference movies/shows/books/games I enjoy, that you wouldn't recognize unless you're also familiar with the thing it's referencing. Not in a "I'm cool because I know what this is and you don't" kind of way, I just don't really like having names plastered all over the place. If that makes sense. Like...It would make me uncomfortable to wear a shirt that says "Silent Hill" on it, but I actually own a hoodie (also from Redbubble) that has Robbie's face with "Lakeside Amusement Park" on it. Is it really any better to wear a hoodie with a pink rabbit on it? Probably not. But it's just what I'm comfortable with. I'm rambling now. See what happens when I don't have notes? Anywaaaay...

Bonus Jack and Robbie!

I kind of hate attaching videos on here because they're always really tiny and they look strange, but I'm going to do it anyway.

If you're a fan of Silent Hill 3 and you were thinking about buying the Robbie plush, you won't be disappointed. Maybe just don't sleep in the same room with him though.

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