Thursday, August 19, 2021

Halloween for Pets

I'm in full Halloween mode over here. Decorations are up, fall candles are lit, cats are getting treats! I thought I would talk a little bit about some of the things Chewy is offering for pets this Halloween. (It's also an excuse to post a million pictures of my cats.)

First up, they've released their Halloween Goody Box ($24.99) again this year, for cats and dogs. I bought four of the Halloween goody boxes from last year because they were so cute and I wanted every cat I'd ever met to have one. This year's box includes two different kinds of treats, a candy corn tent, and four, what I'm assuming are, catnip infused stuffed toys. I want to give a little warning: When you open the tent, hold it away from your face. I didn't and it sprung open and hit me in the face, I thought for sure my nose was broken (it wasn't). So just be careful.

If you're wondering why there's only one picture of them together, it's because there was a fight. Finnick (the brown and white cat) absolutely hates Jack (the orange cat) for no reason and if Jack gets within five feet of him, he starts hissing and growling at him. I don't know why he does that, Jack never does anything to him, but yeah. They don't get along and I try not to force them on each other.

They really love this tent. Jack ended up wearing it as a belt, he's too big to fit in there. But the rest of them are able to curl up comfortably and Finnick seems to like it the most out of all of them. They also really enjoyed the stuffed toys, which is why I'm thinking they must have catnip in them. The treats were a big hit, too! I wasn't sure they would like the Squeeze Up treats (my cats can be fussy), but they all really liked them.

Chewy also has a Halloween 13 Day Advent Calendar ($19.98), again for cats and dogs. They released one for Christmas last year that was really cute, so I decided to buy this one. I want my cats to love Halloween as much as I do, but I think they're just like, "Lady, leave us alone." The advent calendar comes with a variety of toys, most of them are stuffed. I don't know if there's catnip in these ones, my cats didn't go as crazy over them as they did with the ones in the goody box. They did still play with them though.

The last thing I bought was from Target, it's a Haunted House Cat Scratcher. I wasn't expecting much for $13 and yet...I was still disappointed. The cardboard walls are extremely flimsy and the double sided tape that's supposed to hold the house together peeled off all together when I took the protective layer off. It's also extremely tiny and even my smallest cat, who can fit anywhere, doesn't really want anything to do with it unless I throw treats inside. It's really cute, but you definitely get what you pay for. I set it up next to the candy corn tent from the goody box so the cats could have a spooky village with their new toys.

It doesn't look bad, right? And I mean, it's not terrible. But it is really small. Let's see what Jack thinks about the new Halloween toys.

(Does he not look like those smiling, vintage Halloween cats in the last picture?) He's not hissing, by the way. He's practicing howling at the moon. I recorded a short video of them exploring the haunted village.

I'll end with some pictures of their past Halloween costumes. Jack is the only one who dresses up, for the most part, because Cthulhu and Finnick will kill me and Bogart is older and I don't like to torture him. (Most of these costumes were purchased from Chewy.)

The Beast and Belle costumes are from this year and I need to try to get better pictures when it gets closer to Halloween. Jack actually seemed to really like Belle's gown, but he hates the wig and every time I would try to put it on him, he would shake it off his head. Hopefully he'll let me get a picture of him with it on, but if not, I'll at least be able to take a picture of him in his pretty new dress.

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