Saturday, August 7, 2021

Top 10 Horror Games: #4 Until Dawn


I was so excited for Until Dawn when it was released. Normally, I'm not a huge fan of games that are mostly cinematic (like Heavy Rain), but this was different. This was a horror game that had a fun story, where every decision you make really does affect the outcome. Everyone can live. Everyone can die. All based on some small action you perform that may seem completely insignificant at the time.

Until Dawn is about a group of friends who get together to stay in a cabin in the mountains. While they're there, they're forced to survive until the morning when they can be rescued. I refuse to spoil the game because I love the story so much, but I will say it didn't go where I expected it to, which made it even better.

The part in Until Dawn that stands out the most to me is when the game gives you the "Don't move" prompts and you have to stay completely still. It never occurred to me that I could just set the controller down, so I would stay perfectly still, not even breathing, which made the entire thing more stressful. It feels like you're really there, holding your breath so no one will hear you. It's extremely well done, especially at the end of the game when I felt like I was about to die from lack of oxygen.

Until Dawn also has a very special place in my heart because it introduced me to Brett Dalton, who played Mike. I liked that character so much (he saves the wolf!) that I looked up Brett Dalton's filmography afterwards and saw that he was on a show called Agents of SHIELD. I decided to watch it and that show is now my favorite show of all time, tied with Running Man. I've watched it in its entirety 4 times, I talk about it nonstop, I just...Fell completely in love with it and the characters. Without Until Dawn, I probably ever would have watched AoS because I'm not a Marvel fan, so I really love this game, not only because of how much fun it is, but because it introduced me to something that became very important to me.

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