Thursday, August 5, 2021

Top 10 Horror Games: #6 Resident Evil Village


I almost didn't even include Resident Evil on this list. In fact, it was all the way down at #9 originally (with REmake being the game to make it on here). Not because I don't like the series, but because at this point, I feel extremely stressed out by the original games. I'm not a huge fan of 4, 5 and 6, and while I enjoyed 7, I thought the enemies and overall story were kind of bland. Resident Evil 8 was like a dark fairytale, with exciting new enemies, unique characters with different locations for each of them and a story that manages to connect to the original games when you wouldn't expect it to ever find a way to accomplish that. I mean, going from zombies to werewolves seems like a stretch, right? But they found a way to make a connection between both stories.

I'm not a fan of stalker enemies and I feel some burn out after RE7, RE2 Remake, RE3 Remake and now this game, I wish the developers would give it a break already. But even so, I really did enjoy Village. The worst part (in terms of having to flee from enemies) is in the castle. Unfortunately, that's also the longest part of the game...Or maybe I just think it is because it's the part I struggle with the most. 

I love the older Resident Evil games (RE0-RE CVX), but I don't want to play them anymore. I'm older now, I have less free time to spend on games. I've been spoiled by more modern games that are more forgiving by giving you a ton of inventory space, as many saves as you want and checkpoints in all the places you're likely to need them. It's difficult to go back and play older survival horror games now, even though I genuinely loved that formula, because I'm not as good at them as I used to be. So I'm really happy with the direction they've taken the series in with Resident Evil Village and I hope we get some new, exciting ideas with the next game, while still maintaining the horror aspect some of the more recent games were missing.

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