Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Top 10 Horror Games: #1 Fatal Frame


I know everyone thinks Fatal Frame 2 is the best game in the series. And you know what? It probably is. It has the best story and it's the first game to include a song by Amano Tsukiko in the soundtrack. But Fatal Frame was the first one I played and it will forever be my favorite because it's what introduced me to the series.

I first heard about Fatal Frame when I watched Stay Alive. Just the mere mention of it was enough to make me buy the game and I'm so glad I did because it became my favorite horror game of all time.

You play as Miku, who goes to Himuro Mansion in search of her missing brother Mafuyu. When she arrives, she finds the place overrun with ghosts, the result of a failed ritual. Armed with only the Camera Obscura, Miku has to survive until she finds her brother. The gameplay in Fatal Frame is really unique and a nice change from just going around and shooting enemies. Here, your weapon is a camera. You can unlock various upgrades that make it easier to capture ghosts.

Fatal Frame is one of the scariest games I've ever played. Demon Tag is an absolute nightmare, no matter how many times you play it. And if you spend too long exploring, you'll be attacked by random ghosts, so you never truly feel safe because each playthrough is different. The scariest thing, for me, was always running around and suddenly hearing Broken Neck's theme. She isn't that difficult to fight, but the music that plays whenever she shows up is terrifying and it gets me every time.

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