Saturday, July 31, 2021

Top 10 Horror Games


Over the next two weeks, I'll be posting a list of my favorite horror games. And no, not every game on my list is in the picture above, some I only own digitally.

This will by no means be a complete list of all the amazing horror themed games ever released, it's a very condensed list of my absolute favorites. It's also not a list of the scariest games ever made, just to be clear. There are others that I really wanted to add, many that I own and started playing, but didn't quite play enough to add them to this list (because I was too afraid to play them, like The Evil Within and Clock Tower 3, or I had no one to play them with and couldn't get the full experience, like Obscure 2). There are many that belong to a series and I had to force myself to only choose one game...You can see that I just gave up with Silent Hill, I couldn't do it. I have three favorite games in that series and I can't choose between them.

I didn't have a strict criteria when I was choosing games. Basically, did it have horror elements, was it fun and did I play enough of it to have a good idea of what it has to offer? I can forgive a questionable storyline if the gameplay and scares make up for it. I'll admit it now, The Last of Us made it onto my draft list, but I cut it at the end because, even though it has one of the best stories of any video game I've ever played and it no doubt is horror themed and I loved it so much, it wasn't exactly what I was looking for with this list.

I'm not into stalker enemies, walking sims or hundreds of enemies being thrown at you at once, which seems to be the trend over the past several years, so those types of games will not be included. "But you have Resident Evil Village in that picture up there." That's an exception that I'll talk more about when we get to it.

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