Friday, July 9, 2021

Fear Street Part Two: 1978


After the first Fear Street movie, I'm really dreading this one and if I were smart, I wouldn't put myself through watching 1978 just to write a blog post. Sadly, I'm not that smart and I'm going to torture myself. But hey, there are two things that could make this more tolerable. One, my expectations are low this time, so things can only go up from here. And two, I'm watching the first half before work and the second half when I get home, so maybe breaking the movie up will keep me from burning out on it. Fear Street 1978 is almost two hours long and that's a pretty significant amount of time to watch something if you're not enjoying it. Let's see how it goes.

Back in 1994, Deena and Josh break into C. Berman's house, with Sam, to beg for her help since she survived the camp massacre in1978. From the very beginning, we know that C. Berman's sister is going to die. She tells us so. The question is, how?

I'm taking a second here to rant because the main bitch at this camp says Sarah Fier would have stayed dead if you do what you always do: Burn witches. No one. In the United States. Was burned. They were hanged. Burning witches was a European thing. I can't even blame Fear Street for this, I've seen this happen in so many other movies and shows as well. But let's set the record straight, it didn't happen. They were hanged, with the exception of Giles Corey, who was pressed to death. Get your facts straight.

We already know what this is about, right? We heard about it in the last movie. A massacre at the camp. I'll skip over all the massive spoilers since the movie was just released today and instead keep it at this: To stop Sarah Fier, supposedly, her hand needs to be reunited with her body. I've seen enough horror movies to know there's always a catch, it's never that simple. I don't believe that's going to be the end of it.

I have a real problem with these movies. Sex has no place in Fear Street. No one in Fear Street was having sex. They were awkwardly flirting and making out sometimes, in an attempt to turn people into vampires or whatever, but they weren't doing anything more than that. Nudity? In a movie based on Fear Street? Books I read in elementary school? Seriously, who are these movies made for? I said it last time and I'll say it again, these movies are not appropriate for kids and they definitely weren't made for fans of the books, so what is this supposed to be?

I will admit, 1978 was slightly better than 1994. It had a coherent story and wasn't all over the place. The acting was so much better, there were even a few characters I didn't hate. But it still feels nothing like Fear Street and rather than making these movies for a demographic that doesn't exist, I wish they had just followed the storylines of some of the books. I think, if I'm going to like any of these movies, it will probably be 1666.

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