Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Witch's Diner - Episode 2


We learn two things at the beginning of this episode. One, it seems as if CEO Oh doesn't approve of Hee Ra killing people. And two, Gil Yong has been suspended from extracurricular activities because of his "fight" with Yeong Jae.

I didn't mention it in the last recap (because I wasn't sure what we were seeing and I'm still not sure), but for the second time now, we're shown a flashback of a little girl, running from someone or something. It looks like it could be a nightmare Jin is having. Maybe a memory from her childhood. My theory is that she's met Hee Ra before, based on Hee Ra's interactions with CEO Oh and the fact that she seemed to be following her in the first episode. I'm not sure what her interest in Jin is, but there's something there for sure.

(Throwing this out there in the middle of my post, the music in this show is good, it sets the creepy-whimsical tone well. But I want a legit K-drama OST. That's my favorite part of dramas and I'm waiting for it.)

On her way to work, Jin sees her competitor being carried out on a stretcher. She tells herself it has to be a coincidence. I would think the same if someone told me they were a witch and could grant me a wish. What are the chances of that being true?

There's a man we haven't seen before, but he's behind on some kind of payments and is avoiding the loan shark who is looking for him. He watches Gil Yong at his job - a job he himself had applied for and was rejected from. Listen. Gil Yong is a good kid and if this man does something to him, I'm going to be so annoyed. He keeps taking matches out and snapping them in half, throwing them on the street. Why? What does this mean? Does it mean anything?

When Hee Ra arrives at work, Jin confronts her, asking if she really killed that woman. Hee Ra says no, Jin killed her. It was her wish. That's not the kind of revenge Jin wanted though. (It's the Monkey's Paw.) Hee Ra tells Jin she's a hypocrite, asking since when is revenge a "soft and nice" wish? Lightning flashes and we see glimpses of Hee Ra's face illuminated by it, again showing what she really looks like. I have only ever watched Song Ji Hyo's romantic comedies, seeing her as a villain is interesting and she's doing a great job here.

Jin runs from the restaurant, in tears, either because she's responsible for someone's death or because Hee Ra scared the hell out of her. Or both. She feels extremely guilty for what her wish has caused. She comes across Gil Yong, who is in therapy as part of the school's disciplinary action for the "fight" he had with his friend. He confides in Jin that when he was young, he caught a deadly illness. He no longer remembers that and in time, he says he won't remember this incident either. He has a good disposition and seems to make Jin feel better through their conversations with each other. I like the friendship developing between them. It needs to stop there though. It seems like Gil Yong has a crush on her, but she's about 10 years older than he is. Don't make this weird.

In school, Yeong Jae's phone rings during an exam and he's kicked out of class. My heart seriously breaks for this kid. Gil Yong tries to catch up with him after class, but his knee is injured. His doctor informs him that he can't exercise for a month and he may have to miss his next track competition.

While Jin is out with Yoon Mi, she tells her about the witch and says, "We take our words and thoughts lightheartedly. But there's actually power in them. Terrible things can happen because of them." We're all taught this from a young age, right? To think before you speak. This applies to so many different situations, but let's think about it in terms of bullying, since it applies to this show. I know it's a problem in my own country and I've read that it's a problem in South Korea, as well. The most known example I think people have seen in the past couple years are the deaths of K-pop idols, driven to suicide after the hateful comments and harassment they receive online. It can happen to anyone, but I'm using this example because it's so publicized. Your words carry weight. You may think they're nothing, but they can hurt people. I know I'm going off on a tangent, but what Jin said here was really important and I wanted to include it.

There are rumors spreading that Yeong Jae attempted suicide because of his "fight" with Gil Yong. Gil Yong goes to visit him at the hospital and Yeong Jae tells him that he tried to jump from the school's roof, but his legs were shaking and he must have wanted to live after all. In an attempt to comfort Yeong Jae, he says it isn't over for him, but Yeong Jae thinks having to live like this is even scarier.

Hey, there's another witch! And she's here to lecture Hee Ra about overstepping. At work, Hee Ra has a list of rules for Jin: Don't question her, don't eat anything she cooks, she decides opening hours and she can do whatever she wants. She's the boss now and the first thing she wants to do is redecorate.

Gil Yong is standing on the edge of a roof, believing everything is over now, including college, because he can't compete in the track meet. He receives a phone call from Yeong Jae as he's about to step off, and his friend says he won't lose to those bastards at school. This gives Gil Yong the strength to step away from the edge.

CEO Oh is called to redecorate the entire diner and it looks exactly like the one from the beginning of the first episode. Jin is not a fan, exclaiming, "We're not a tarot shop." She asks CEO Oh what his true identity is and he tells her, "It's best to think of me as a supporter who gives help without being noticed." Thanks, that clears everything up. Gil Yong walks past the diner and decides to go inside, noting that he hasn't had anything to eat. Hee Ra asks him to take a seat, to which Jin opposes, saying he's not a customer (clearly trying to protect him). Jin takes him outside, saying she needs a word with him, and we see a flash of two photos in Hee Ra's possession, one of Jin and her mother and another of (what appears to be) Gil Yong and his mother. Hee Ra says, "Now we've gathered everyone." What is she planning?

Outside the diner, Jin warns Gil Yong that the witch can grant wishes and he says he believes it since she's the one saying it to him. She tells him there's no guarantee that he'll be happy if his wishes come true, he'll have to carry the burden of even the smallest wish. Gil Yong asks what will happen if he makes a wish to help someone, when Hee Ra interrupts, telling him to either make a wish or get lost. He goes back inside and makes his wish (we aren't told what it is yet, but Hee Ra says he's a wacko) and asks that it be kept a secret. Once he's finished eating, the witch hands him a business card and he leaves.

That night, Jin wakes up and sees what looks like a corpse lying next to her. Was it just a dream? She returns to work and learns that Gil Yong is now a part timer at the diner. Someone is standing outside in the shadows, with a knife, watching them. That person, who turns out to be the man from earlier who lost out on a job to Gil Yong, enters the diner and pulls the knife on Jin, before Hee Ra appears and asks what's going on.

I'm really curious about why Hee Ra is gathering these people together. She doesn't seem entirely evil, although she's definitely questionable. I'm excited to see what happens in the next episode.

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