Monday, June 24, 2019

6. Resident Evil 2 Remake

I'll start off by saying this game would have been so much higher on my list if Capcom didn't force us to repeat boss fights in the A/B playthroughs that are supposed to take place during the same timeline. You could tell that was tacked on at the last minute and I would rather have not had it at all than have a version of the game that's identical in too many ways and therefore makes no sense. I get suspension of disbelief and all, but the original game got it right, so there's no acceptable reason for how this turned out. I loved the game so much during my Claire playthrough, but when I started playing as Leon afterwards and I had to fight William Birkin again after I had already been through that exact same fight with Claire, it really took away a lot of the initial excitement I felt.

Mr. X was an absolute nightmare this time around. He never leaves, until you progress to the next area (and even then, he comes back eventually). There were times I found it absolutely impossible to lose him, which was incredibly frustrating during my first playthrough because I didn't have the foresight to set certain things up for later, to make my life easier before he was triggered. I also felt like, because I could never escape him, I was always rushing through the game, which made it difficult to explore thoroughly and really take the time to enjoy it.

Resident Evil 2 Remake includes the 4th Survivor and Tofu Survivor modes, which I'll talk about a little more when I get to the original Resident Evil 2. In addition to those two mini games, Capcom released free DLC called Ghost Survivors, featuring three minor characters from Resident Evil 2, including the gun shop owner, the mayor's daughter and a third character who is a soldier.

I rate Resident Evil 2 Remake a 7/10 because even though I'm disappointed in how Capcom handled the timelines, I can't deny that this was an incredible game.

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