Tuesday, June 25, 2019

5. Resident Evil 7

Resident Evil 7 was a breath of fresh air for this series after RE4, RE5 and RE6. Was it a perfect Resident Evil game? Not exactly. But I still loved every second of it, even if it's a departure from the zombies in the first several games. I appreciate that Capcom listened to the fans and brought back the horror atmosphere instead of releasing another third person shooter. And the demos for the game were genius, adding more with each new update.

In this game, you play as a man named Ethan, who is looking for his missing wife, Mia. While searching through a rundown house, he finds Mia, but there's clearly something wrong with her and she attacks Ethan with a chainsaw, severing his hand. When he regains consciousness, he's tied to a chair and surrounded by the Baker family. He manages to get loose and for the rest of the game, you're meant to evade this crazy family as they continue to stalk you throughout their property.

Most of Resident Evil 7 really does focus on survival and building tension. In the final act, it becomes more of an action game, but that can be forgiven because of how amazing the rest of the game is. I wasn't sure how I would feel about a first person Resident Evil, but it didn't take anything away from the experience. I wish I could have played it in VR because I imagine it must be 10 times more terrifying that way. It's cool that they implemented VR into the game.

Resident Evil 7's only free mini game/side story is the Not a Hero DLC featuring [SPOILERS] Chris Redfield and thank God they completely remodeled him because I hated his character model in RE5 and RE6 (as well as his personality). The DLC has Chris exploring the mine, where Lucas has set up more of his traps.

I rate Resident Evil 7 a 7/10. It brought back the horror this series so desperately needed and got us away from the third person action shooters the previous games were.

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