Sunday, September 19, 2021

Horror News/Things I've Been Enjoying Lately

 I never blog just to like...Talk about things. I mean. I do, obviously, but it's always a dedicated post, you know? It's never just random things I feel like talking about. So I figured I would do that now because there are a few things I wanted to discuss.

First of all, on September 13th, it was announced that BEETLEJUICE IS COMING BACK TO BROADWAY! (Not to the Winter Garden, though.) I'm SO excited. Beetlejuice is my favorite Broadway show, I saw it 4 times before it closed and I was supposed to see it a 5th time, but then Covid happened and the show closed and it wasn't supposed to come back, but it IS and that news made me so happy. Live theatre is one of those things that brings me so much joy and I've missed it a lot. The past couple years have been hard, for everyone, and to have some good news about a show that means so much to me really lifted my spirits (no pun intended). I can't wait to see if any of the original cast is coming back, I loved all of them, but especially Kerry Butler. So I hope she comes back.

Purple Kiss released "Zombie" this month and I love it. For the most part, my K-pop days died with 2NE1, Infinite and SNSD, but every now and then I'll listen to newer groups and I really like Purple Kiss' music. "Zombie" is a really fun song and the MV is great, too.

I have another Halloween decor post coming, but Michaels' customer service is not okay and they flat out refused, multiple times, to help me locate a package that they said shipped over a week ago, but for 8 days was never received by Lasership, so...That finally got here today, but at this point, I might as well just wait to post it until after I go to Sleepy Hollow, in case I buy anything while I'm there. 

Old news, but news I'm excited for anyway. Fatal Frame 5 is being released for the PS5 in October. I loved it when I played it on the Wii U (and that's probably still going to be the best way to experience it because of the way it utilizes the gamepad), Fatal Frame is my favorite horror series. So I'm looking forward to that. And hopeful that it means we'll get another Fatal Frame release in the future (maybe in VR or AR??). I'm also really happy that Nintendo no longer has exclusive rights to the franchise. Fatal Frame 4 was never released here (you could import it and mod your Wii, which is what I did, but still, it sucks that it never got a NA release) and I kind of feel like Nintendo didn't care enough about the series.

Alan Wake is being remastered as well. I always wanted to play that game, but Xbox was never really my thing and I never had a PC that could handle the game, so it's cool that I'll be able to play it on the PS5 next month.

The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes is also being released next month...I'm a little less excited about that. I loved Until Dawn, it's one of my favorite PS4 games and I really thought I would like the Dark Pictures Anthology, but I kind of hate how (SPOILERS) nothing you think is happening is actually happening in those games. I could get past Man of Medan because I thought it would be a one time thing, but when they did the same thing with Little Hope, I was kind of annoyed. So I don't have high hopes for House of Ashes, but I'll still play it.

I've been playing Vampyr lately. I really enjoyed it at first, it reminds me a lot of The Sinking City. But, as with all video games that have a ton of dialogue and are longer than 15 hours, I'm starting to reach a point where I just want it to end. And I'm only halfway through the game. I also feel like I've hit a wall. There are harder enemies roaming the streets now and I'm extremely underleveled because I haven't been killing the NPCs. I'm not sure if I'll end up finishing the game.

Netflix announced Midnight Mass, from the creator of The Haunting of Hill House. I really enjoyed Hill House and Bly Manor, so I'm sure this show will be just as great and well written. It will be available to stream on September 24th. Netflix also just released Nightbooks and Squid Game. I don't think the latter is technically horror, but it looks interesting.

Lastly, I watched Malignant with Jack. I think the picture sums up our feelings perfectly.

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