Sunday, September 15, 2019

Scariest Video Game Moments in Non-Horror Games - #1: Uncharted Drake's Fortune - The Descendants

The Descendants first show up in chapter 17, but it's in chapter 18 that the game becomes nightmare inducing. As you make your way through dark hallways and rooms that are littered with ammo (never a good sign), with creepy music playing in the background, you're attacked by zombie-like creatures who can one-hit kill you. Earlier on in the game, it does foreshadow that something weird is going to happen, but zombies were the last thing I was expecting. I know a lot of people didn't like the inclusion of the Descendants in what's otherwise an adventure game, but I didn't mind them. I mean...I did, because chapter 18 scared the hell out of me. But I wasn't mad about it.

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