Monday, September 9, 2019

Scariest Video Game Moments in Non-Horror Games - #7: Okami's Sunken Ship

Okay, so this area isn't exactly "scary," but it is pretty cool and it's definitely got a way different vibe than the rest of this otherwise totally peaceful and relaxing game. Inside the Sunken Ship, you'll have to exorcise ghosts, avoid fake treasure chests (don't worry, they're not as dangerous as the Mimics in Dark Souls), ignore the creepy dolls (because dolls are never, ever a good thing), dodge spikes that come out of the floor and walls, face off against a demonic shark and run from the gigantic hand that's trying to smash you into the floor. Okami's art style is absolutely stunning and I love the way everything about the Sunken Ship looks. It's creepy, but really beautiful at the same time.

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