Monday, October 8, 2018

Day 8: Favorite Holiday Horror Film - Krampus

My dad said to me, "You should watch Krampus, it's cute." And I was just kind of like, "Yeah, sure, whatever you say." Krampus is...Cute?

WELL. Krampus IS cute! It's a really cute movie. It's almost like a cross between Gremlins and Cabin in the Woods and I relate to the poor kid in that movie on a spiritual level because my family is out of control and I've had some really weird, awful holidays, too.

The movie is about a dysfunctional family and what happens when Max finally gets fed up with them, tears up his letter to Santa and throws it out his bedroom window. Apparently, this is enough to summon Krampus, who is kind of like Santa's evil twin. (I'm sure that's not entirely accurate, please forgive me.) He's going to send in mischievous toys to devour you and kill your family.

How is this cute? There are gingerbread men who come to life. And...I don't know, okay? It just is. It's a cute, cautionary tale of what happens when you ruin a child's Christmas and all families should be forced to watch it. It's fun, it's not a serious film and if you go into it knowing that, it's really enjoyable.

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