Saturday, October 20, 2018

Day 20: Favorite Survival Horror Series - Fatal Frame

You know how companies like to attach the phrase "Based on a true story" to their movies, books and games? Yeah. That's what happened to Fatal Frame, and I've yet to hear anything about the "true story" the game is supposedly based on. It doesn't matter though, because this series is terrifying enough on its own without having to make those claims.

Armed with only a camera, you're trapped in a creepy mansion with an endless supply of ghosts to keep you company. Using various camera upgrades and film, you're able to fight the ghosts off while solving puzzles and attempting to escape. Be careful though, if you take too long in one area, you'll find yourself being attacked by random ghosts.

I've played all 5 of the main games, as well as Spirit Camera and since this is my favorite series, I want to talk a little about what each of them has to offer.

Fatal Frame is my favorite in the series because it's the first I ever played and I have fond memories of it. It doesn't have the best story (although it's still good), but it does have some of the most horrifying ghosts in the entire series.

Fatal Frame 2, as I'm pretty sure any fan of these games will tell you, has the best story. It's really sad and you'll probably cry a little, but it's worth it.

Fatal Frame 3 is my least favorite is in series and I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that you're constantly going back and forth between Rei's house and being in her dreams. For me, it was frustrating. This is also the only game in the series that I did not beat, I made it to the final boss fight and turned the game off.

Fatal Frame 4 never made it over here and I had to import the game and mod my Wii to play it. It was completely worth it. I actually bought my Wii when Fatal Frame 4 was announced, and later found out that it was never going to be released here, so I was happy and grateful that other people worked on a way that would allow others to play the game anyway. Everyone who worked on the English translation patch is amazing. As for the game itself, it was fun and scary, of course. I know a lot of people were iffy on the controls, but the motion controls really aren't that bad once you get used to them.

Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water was released for the Wii U and took advantage of the gamepad in a really cool way, acting as your camera. I'm not sure why Nintendo decided to bring this game over here when they wouldn't localize Fatal Frame 4, but I'm glad they did and again, this is another game I bought a console for.

Spirit Camera is a little spinoff game for the 3DS. It's kind of...A mini game-game? There's a story you can play through, but there's no exploration and it's really short, which could lead to some disappointment if you're expecting a more traditional Fatal Frame experience. That being said, I love that it takes advantage of the 3DS's AR and it's made me realize how awesome a Fatal Frame game would be with AR or VR. It's the perfect series for it and I hope we'll see something like that in the future.

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