Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Coffin Letter Board

I want to start by saying I love Etsy. Too much. Sometimes on my days off I wake up and the first thing I do is check the Etsy app on my phone and then I'm in bed for an hour scrolling and looking at recommendations based on things I've purchased already. People are so creative and I like supporting smaller businesses when I can. I won't lie, there are times I buy things on Amazon because it's convenient and then I hate myself for it. But I've been buying a lot from Etsy over the past couple years. I have prints that I bought and have no room for. I bought cases for games I bought used at Gamestop that came with the ugly Gamestop cases. Masks. A ton of pins. A copy of Shivers 2. Some Fear Street books. Things you'll see in another post. So, yes. I have a problem when it comes to Etsy, I want to buy everything. Let's just put that out there right away.

One day, as I was browsing things the app wanted me to buy, I came across a coffin letter board and my first thought was, "I need that." And then I asked myself what I would even do with it. And the part of my brain that malfunctions when I see anything horror themed said, "I'll use it for my horror blog that I never advertise and no one knows about!" So I was kind of like, well...That's a waste of money then, isn't it? And I wasn't going to buy it. I was going to do the mature, responsible thing and control myself. Well. You can see how well that worked out, right?

I absolutely love this letter board. I want to use it to count down the days until Halloween. I want to put horror movie quotes on it. I bought accessories for it. It's going to be amazing, I'm going to make it worth the $34 I spent on it.

The letter board itself is really big. It comes with a...Thing (I know that's not the right word, but it's all I've got) on the back so you can hang it if you'd like to, but it also includes a stand that you can sit it on. There are so many letters. If you look at the quote on my coffin, you can see how many I used and how many repeating letters there are and I didn't run out, I still had a lot left over. You should absolutely have enough letters to write whatever you'd like on there. It's sturdy, I don't think it's something you'll need to worry about breaking (unless you drop it from your roof or something in which case...what are you expecting to happen?). The only issues I had with it are that the letters are really hard to remove from the plastic they come attached to. I had to use a pair of hair shears to cut them off because regular scissors weren't doing it. Three pieces also broke, two W's and one *. That's not terrible because you do get so many pieces, but it's worth noting.

I have more accessories coming, but the ones I'm using now are from HoneycombHeights. What's nice about these is that you're able to choose how big they are and the color. I chose pink, obviously, because it's the best color. I know it's not a Halloween color, but I'm not just using this for Halloween, so it's fine. 

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