Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Beauty of Horror - Haunt This Journal by Alan Robert

 "Do as you wish, may it be fun. But what you unleash, cannot be undone."

Disclaimer: I am not artistic or creative in any way. This is another book I bought just to display on my horror shelves.

I own several of the Beauty of Horror coloring books and I love the artwork in them, so that was another reason I decided to purchase it.

I left this journal out next to my bed for several nights because I kept meaning to write this post. Every single night, I had to flip it over before I went to sleep. The artwork on the cover scared me almost as much as the original illustrations in Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Even if I wasn't looking directly at it, I didn't like knowing it was there.

The journal includes many different activities (and a lot of blank space so you can draw if you'd like to). Some of the various things you're tasked with doing are lighting a candle to ask spirits questions (a high flame means yes, a low flame means no), bringing the journal into a dark room and asking out loud if you're alone, checking underneath your bed, hosting a séance on Friday the 13th, arranging dolls next to your bed so they can "watch" you sleep...Basically, all things I'm too scared to do.

Some activities require you to "destroy" pages in the book, either by cutting them, burning them or stabbing them. If you're buying this book for a child, adult supervision is highly recommended. There's also a Ouija board and voodoo doll, so maybe explain the dangers of using those things to your kids. And if you're thinking, "Who would buy this for a child?" my parents would have. It happens.

At the end of the journal, if you survive the questionable things it asks you to do, there's a checklist asking you what you experienced while filling it in. Did you creep yourself out? Get eyerolls from your family? Hear voices? (Congratulations, you probably summoned yourself a demon with the Ouija board.)

Even as someone who isn't creative, I love this journal. It's genuinely creepy and the activities are fun, if you're not afraid of your own shadow like I am.

Oh, and hey...Here's what's coming up the rest of the year.

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