Wednesday, February 24, 2016

One Man Hide and Seek

First, I would like to state, for the record, that I do not believe in many things. However, even though I don't believe in something, that doesn't mean I'm right. And it also doesn't mean the thing I do not believe in doesn't scare me.

For instance, I'm terrified of dolls. I was traumatized by my family as a child. That's a story for another post though. I know that dolls cannot come to life. I know that there is no way a doll is going to try to kill me. That being said, I don't want dolls anywhere near me and I'm not going to do anything to "provoke" them.

Luckily, Xroom Mod on Youtube has no problem doing the things that I would never dare to do. I can watch him perform creepypasta rituals from the safety of my nice, brightly lit bedroom.

The ritual I'm referring to now is One Man Hide and Seek.

For this ritual, you will be playing hide and seek. With a doll. At 3:00 a.m. with all the lights in your house off. If that sounds awful to you, imagine how terrible it must be to actually PLAY.

As with every creepypasta ritual, One Man Hide and Seek comes with a warning that several horrible fates await you if you do not end the ritual correctly. Click the link above for more information.

If you're like me and the idea of playing hide and seek in the dark with a doll sounds horrifying, here is a video of the ritual being performed by someone far braver than you and I.

I really like Xroom Mod's videos. He doesn't play it up for the camera like some people do. He shows you the honest results of every ritual he performs. As expected, nothing bad ever happens. He isn't being haunted by anything because of a failed ritual. Because, after all, creepypasta rituals are fiction. Aren't they?

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