Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Candle Cove and Cry Baby Lane

One of my all time favorite creepypastas is Candle Cove. The story is set up as a series of posts on a messageboard from a group of people who remember a show from their childhood called Candle Cove. As they continue discussing the show, they remember more about it and how disturbing it was, especially for a children's show. I don't want to give away the ending because it's really worth reading for yourself.

After reading about Candle Cove years back, I read about a movie Nickelodeon supposedly aired in 2000, Cry Baby Lane. The setup sounded a lot like Candle Cove. People were discussing this film and what they remembered of it, but the thing was, Nickelodeon refused to acknowledge the movie's existence. There was no proof anywhere that this movie ever aired on television. It sounded like an elaborate joke that everyone was playing along with.

Then, something incredible happened. In 2011, a Reddit used claimed they found a copy of Cry Baby Lane recorded on a VHS tape in their house. I remember that day very well. I kept waiting to see if this person would really upload the movie online. Was there actually proof that this movie existed? The movie did, in fact, exist. I did watch it, but I really don't remember much of Cry Baby Lane because I didn't care for the movie. The best part about it was the story *behind* the movie. Something that people doubted the existence of, something Nickelodeon refused to even acknowledge (until later in 2011, when they could no longer ignore it).

Here is Cry Baby Lane, in its entirety.

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