Friday, August 2, 2019

7. One Sunday Morning (More Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark)

A woman was running late for Sunday morning mass and took off in a hurry to get to church. When she arrived, she didn't recognize anyone there, except for a woman who died a month earlier. Looking closer, she noticed skeletons in suits and dresses. They were angry and the woman she recognized told her to leave, if she cares for her life. She grabbed her coat and made her way over to the door, hearing footsteps behind her. She started to run, but the corpses grabbed at her, tearing off her coat and hat. She escaped, wondering if it had all been a dream. Later on that day, one of her friends returns her ripped coat and hat, which had been found in the cemetery.

I think the idea of this story is genuinely frightening. What if you were to trespass on something you weren't meant to see? It doesn't have to be a service for the dead, it could be anything. Wrong place, wrong time. That's why One Sunday Morning made my list. Even though this particular instance isn't likely to happen, there are other situations that could end the same way.

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