Sunday, September 30, 2018

31 Day Horror Challenge

While thinking about this list, I kept adding new categories and removing others because there are so many horror related things that I love and want to talk about. 31 days just can't cover it all. To be completely honest, some of these categories exist only because I wanted to discuss specific things, I already had my answers to them. Others, as I was going through and considering my options, I had a definite answer, but I also had other things in those categories that I really enjoyed. While my original plan was to give one answer to each category, I realized I didn't want to leave anything out, so some days there will be "honorable mentions" as well.

Here is the list, in full, for the entire month of October:

  1. All Time Favorite Scary Movie
  2. Favorite Horror Movie Theme Song
  3. Favorite Black and White Horror Film
  4. Favorite Universal Monster Film
  5. Favorite Silent Horror Film
  6. Favorite Vincent Price Film
  7. Favorite Foreign Horror Film (That Isn't Train to Busan)
  8. Favorite Holiday Horror Film
  9. Favorite Stephen King Film Adaptation
  10. Favorite Hitchcock Film
  11. Favorite Zombie Film
  12. Favorite Horror Comedy
  13. Favorite "Kid Friendly" Horror Film
  14. Favorite Horror Movie Remake
  15. Worst Horror Movie Remake
  16. Favorite "Bad" Horror Film
  17. Horror Film That Was Surprisingly Good
  18. Favorite Movie Based on a Horror Game
  19. Favorite Survival Horror Video Game
  20. Favorite Survival Horror Series
  21. Scariest Horror Video Game Ever Played
  22. Favorite Song from a Horror Game
  23. Favorite Horror Themed Board Game
  24. Favorite Horror TV Show
  25. Best Horror/Halloween Special from A Show That Isn't in the Horror Genre
  26. Favorite Horror Themed Cartoon
  27. Favorite Horror Anime
  28. Favorite Horror Anthology Show
  29. Favorite Horror Music Video
  30. Favorite Horror Novel/Novella
  31. Favorite Book to Read for Halloween

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